presentation skills

Cartoon woman looking at others during online conference

Presentation Skills

6 Tips for Organizing a Successful Online Event

Diana Robertson

Billboard with the word ouch

Presentation Skills

Titles That Talk

Lesley Stephenson, DTM

Man standing up pointing at audience member with hand up

Presentation Skills

Handling the Q&A Session With Confidence

Diane Windingland, DTM

Webpage for online conference

Presentation Skills

Organizing a Successful Online Event

Diana Robertson

Woman performing speech online

Presentation Skills

Telling Online Tales

Caren S Neile, PhD

Woman in blue shirt speaking at lectern using hand gesture

Presentation Skills

The Impact of a Strong Speaker Introduction

Greg Lewis, DTM

Men from 16th century toasting

Presentation Skills

A Historical Odyssey: Toasting Traditions Over Time

Simon Bucknall

Man speaking with hand gestures

Presentation Skills

Be Part of a Speakers Bureau

Caren S Neile, PhD, and Paul Sterman

Woman in yellow sweater holding microphone speaking to audience

Presentation Skills

Making the Leap

Lynne Strang, DTM

Pink and yellow sticky notes on white paper

Presentation Skills

Ditch the Notecards

Diane Windingland, DTM

Woman holding note card speaking while woman with baby, a man, and dog watch from couch

Presentation Skills

See For Yourself

Joel Schwartzberg